Guest: Alex V. Levin, M.D., MHSc, FAAP, FAAO, FRCSC

Dr. Levin holds the Adeline Lutz – Steven S.T. Ching, M.D. Distinguished Professorship in Ophthalmology as the Chief of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Ocular Genetics at the Flaum Eye Institute and Chief of Clinical Genetics at the the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York where he is a Professor of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics. He attended Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, and then completed a pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and then completed an ophthalmology residency at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia followed by a pediatric ophthalmology fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto where he continued as a staff ophthalmologist and Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics, Genetics and Ophthalmology and Vision Science at the University of Toronto for over 16 years. There he founded the Pediatric Glaucoma and Cataract Family Association ( in 1995 and continues as Chair of their Scientific Advisory Board. In 2008 he relocated back to Wills Eye and recently moved to his current post in Rochester. He holds the unique US Board certification combination in pediatrics, ophthalmology, and child abuse pediatrics. He has published or has in press 308 papers, 162 chapters, and 13 books. He has delivered over 1530 presentations worldwide. Dr. Levin has a long-standing interest pediatric glaucoma and cataract. Caring for children with aniridia and WAGR syndrome has always been a central core of his practice. He founded the Robinson Harley, MD CGRN International Pediatric Glaucoma Registry which currently has over 900 patients enrolled from 5 continents.
Host: Janelle Collins

Janelle serves as the Board Member at Large for ANA. She is also the Chair of the Patient and Family Advisory Board and serves as the host for Focal Point. Janelle has been involved in the aniridia patient community via both patient advocacy groups and Facebook groups for a number of years. She enjoys reading peer-reviewed journal articles and summarizing their contents for the patient community. She also is passionate about welcoming new parents of children with aniridia to the community and assisting them as they begin their aniridia journey.