ANA News

Jim Lauderdale, Kelly Trout, Shari Krantz, and Peter Netland stand with a sign regarding the 6th European Aniridia Conference between them

ANA Participation in the 6th European Aniridia Conference

Part of ANA’s vision is to coordinate and synergize its activities and efforts with Aniridia Europe and other international organizations to provide more effective support and affiliations for the global aniridia community. In pursuit of that vision, representatives from ANA were honored to be invited and to participate in the 6th European Aniridia Conference, which was hosted by the Asociación Española de Aniridia in San Juan de Alicante, Spain in June of 2022.

Logo - Outline of an eye, with ANA in the middle and Aniridia North America underneath

ANIRIDIA NORTH AMERICA Created as US Nonprofit Organization

The recent creation of a new nonprofit organization, Aniridia North America (ANA), has been announced by its founding Board of Directors.  Aniridia North America is a charitable organization created to represent, serve, and support the North American community of persons affected by aniridia and their families, patient advocacy organizations, and clinicians and scientists. ANA was …

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Banner showing information about 2021 ANA Symposium

ANA To Host Scientific Symposium Dedicated To PAX6 and Aniridia

Charlottesville, Virginia – The newly formed Aniridia North America (ANA) announces its first event to strengthen and expand research focused on aniridia and related problems. The 2021 Aniridia North America Symposium: PAX6, Aniridia, and Beyond will bring together top researchers from North America and around the world. This meeting, like its predecessor, the 2019 John …

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2021 Symposium Easel Poster

2021 ANA Symposium Speakers

The 2021 ANA Symposium: PAX6, Aniridia, and Beyond is the inaugural event for Aniridia North America and is supported by the UVA Ophthalmology and Biology Departments, the Deans of the College of Arts and Sciences and Medicine, as well as the Vision for Tomorrow Foundation, the University of Georgia and and the International WAGR Syndrome …

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Black Banner wth the words "2021 Aniridia North America Symposium: PAX6, Aniridia, and Beyond, Frequently Asked Questions, A Conference on Eye Development and Disease

2021 ANA Symposium Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 2021 Aniridia North America Symposium: PAX6, Aniridia, and Beyond? This meeting, like its predecessor, the 2019 John F. Anderson Symposium: PAX6 and Beyond, will provide a forum for the scientific community to present current aniridia research findings and facilitate collaboration on future studies. Sessions will focus on aniridia-related issues including glaucoma, corneal …

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A large group of people who attended the 2019 Symposium. They are standing in front of one of the historic buildings at UVA.

2019 John F. Anderson Symposium: PAX6, Aniridia & Beyond

The following notes were taken by Kelly Trout, BSN, RN, at the 2019 John F Anderson Symposium. Kelly is Director, Research and Medical Advocacy for the International WAGR Syndrome Association. Please note that many of the presentations involved “basic science” research on how the eye develops before and after birth, often using animal models, rather …

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Logo - Outline of an eye, with ANA in the middle and Aniridia North America underneath

Aniridia North America
106 W. Calendar Ave
Suite 122
LaGrange, IL 60525

Aniridia North America is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States.

EIN: 86-2917141

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