Part of ANA’s vision is to coordinate and synergize its activities and efforts with Aniridia Europe and other international organizations to provide more effective support and affiliations for the global aniridia community. In pursuit of that vision, representatives from ANA were honored to be invited and to participate in the 6th European Aniridia Conference, which was hosted by the Asociación Española de Aniridia in San Juan de Alicante, Spain in June of 2022.

Left: Jim Lauderdale, Kelly Trout, Shari Krantz, and Peter Netland represented ANA
Right: Shari Krantz, Galina Gening, Denise Toews, and Kelly Trout enjoyed strengthening their connections and discussing collaborations

ANA Board members participated in this important conference in multiple ways. They
- joined representatives of Aniridia Europe patient organizations in meetings to discuss mutual goals and initiatives
- strengthened existing collaborative relationships while also networking to form new ones
- listened to presentations from various experts regarding current research in the aniridia sphere
- gave formal presentations during the conference on three different subjects, which can be viewed below.
The remainder of the presentations given during this two-day conference can be viewed on the website for the 6th European Aniridia conference.