2025 Strategic Plan

The ANA Board of Directors is looking forward to another great year in 2025. The infographic below highlights some goals set for 2025.

The infographic presents the Strategic Plan for 2025 of Aniridia North America (ANA), an organization dedicated to representing, serving, and supporting individuals affected by aniridia, their families, patient advocacy organizations, clinicians, and scientists.

Design & Structure:
The top section features the ANA logo, with the organization's name inside an eye-shaped outline.
"STRATEGIC PLAN 2025" is displayed in bold turquoise and white text.
Below this, a mission statement in uppercase letters describes ANA’s goal of serving the North American aniridia community.
Core Objectives (Displayed in a Honeycomb Layout):
At the center of the infographic is the ANA logo, surrounded by six interconnected hexagons representing ANA’s 2025 strategic priorities:

Increase EYEris Registry Enrollment (Black hexagon with "EYEris" logo)

Focuses on expanding participation in the patient registry.
Expand Patient & Family Advisory Board (Blue hexagon with an icon of people and a light bulb)

Aims to enhance patient and family engagement in decision-making.
Increase Outreach to Patients and Professionals (Gray hexagon with an icon of a presenter)

Strives to improve awareness and engagement among patients and medical professionals.
Create Strategic Fundraising Plan (Teal hexagon with a handshake and dollar symbol)

Develops a structured approach to financial sustainability.
Launch Focal Point Cornea Series (Light blue hexagon with a video chat icon)

Introduces an educational series focused on corneal health in aniridia.
Host ANA Aniridia Symposium (Teal hexagon with an icon of a presenter at a board)

Plans to organize an event dedicated to discussions and advancements in aniridia research and treatment.
Bottom Section:
The website URL (aniridiaNA.org) is prominently displayed against a black background, encouraging viewers to visit for more information.
This infographic effectively communicates ANA’s key initiatives for 2025 using a clear and visually appealing hexagonal layout.

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Logo - Outline of an eye, with ANA in the middle and Aniridia North America underneath

Aniridia North America
106 W. Calendar Ave
Suite 122
LaGrange, IL 60525

Aniridia North America is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States.

EIN: 86-2917141

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